Friday, 1 March 2013

As mentioned by Belinda in assembly yesterday, here is the link to the V8 Super Tourers family pass offer!

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Today I am handing over the job of updating the PTA blog to the wonderful Deb Manton - my right hand lady :-).  I cannot wait to read what great stories she will write for us.  I am sure she will manage more than the one post I have done in the last year.

So this is me signing off.....


Wednesday, 14 March 2012

March 2012

Well hello there everyone

Where has this year gone to already? 

The PTA have held their AGM and our first meeting of the year and are about to hold our March meeting next week.

There has been a lot of activity going on behind the scenes with setting the plan for fundraising this year and exploring grants that may be available to the school.

We have a new Treasurer.  This job is being shared between David Cassidy and Salesh Naicker and a new Secretary as well, Adele Budd.  Welcome on board and we hope that you enjoy the PTA as much as we have over the past years.  Our thanks goes to Jill Moreton the out-going Treasurer and David Cassidy the out-going Minutes Secretary.  We appreciate all the work that you have put into your roles.

On Sunday 18 March we are holding our Family Fun Day again.  This is being run in a similar way to last years.  Bouncy Castle, Pony Rides, hand ball, game of soccer etc.  Please bring a plate of afternoon tea to share and a seat to relax in.  We are hoping for blue skies otherwise the event will be postponed until Sunday 25 March.

Right I had better get on with the Agenda for March's meeting......

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Fundraising Fundraising Fundraising

The PTA held a stall at Saturday's election polling booth held at the school.  This proved to be very successful.  There were socks, chocolates, books and raffles for sale.  There was a great but small team who worked to make this fundraiser a success before the event and on the day.  Thank you to you all.

We are waiting on the calendars to come back from the printer and the order for the creative pads has been sent.

We have a hot dog day scheduled for this Tuesday so get your orders in by Monday after school.

We have our last PTA meeting this Wednesday evening at 7pm, you are welcome to attend.


Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Book Fair a huge success

Well what a huge effort and there was a pretty good end result achieved as well.  Thanks so much to the organisers and all the hands on helpers that made the book fair the success it was.

We also had a bake sale, raffle and other items available for sale.

It was wonderful to see such a great team effort in full swing.

Thanks for all your help and support....

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

We're back ..........

The PTA blog is now back up and running. Apparently google had changed some settings which blocked us from using this site.
We have a social event coming up for the school community, we are going to have a Fish and Chip tea and then a game of Bingo. This is for families to have a fun and relaxing Friday evening.
I want to thank you all for the awesome support you have given the PTA with the Chocolate Fundraiser, we really appreciate it and have just received our next shipment of chocolate for distribution. Please leave your details with Jane and we will get these organised for you.
Take care and keep warm, Jeanine

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Safe and Sound Talk - Nigel Latta

David and I were lucky enough to get hold of some free tickets to Nigel Latta's Safe and Sound talk that was held at the Riccarton High School auditorium last evening.

It was insightful and he also confirmed that the way in which we have approached our children and their differing reactions to the earthquakes is normal.  He also offered other excellent advice coupled with the right amount of humour.  His talk also shed light on some of the behaviours we have been experiencing that we didn't realise related back to the earthquakes, therefore giving us a better understanding of what our kids are going through.

I have copied a link from Nigel Latta's website that will take you directly to information summarised from his Safe and Sound talk.

I hope that you read something beneficial from this link.  The talk for us as parents was worth its weight in gold.