Sunday, 10 April 2011

Family Fun Afternoon - 10 April, 2011

Bouncy Castle provided by Mitre 10 Mega

Well ....... the weather came to the party today and what a turn out we had. 

Thank you so much to those of you who supported the PTA and our Family Fun Afternoon.  Also a big thank you to Mr Robertson who made himself available for this time.

In particular I would like to thank Helen Sidaway and her husband for leading the ponies, it was very labour intensive but the kids did surely enjoy it.

It was great to see so many of you and those of you that I spoke to seemed to have a fantastic time.  Our idea was that we all just relax and have a chilled out time and I really think that this was achieved.  The kids had fun on the ponies, the bouncy castle, a social game of soccer (even the big kids), and the slot car set filled in the 3 hours beautifully.

There was a great selection of food provided by everyone and the hot drinks went down well with the adults as well.

Slot car racing set provided by Sandra and Chris Rogers

Emily Sidaway leading her horse with Cassidy Barbet riding

This may be an activity that we could undertake again but not through the winter months.  It may be best to wait until Spring/Summer.

The YMS friendly game of soccer

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Family Fun Day

The PTA have decided to have a "Family Fun Day" this coming weekend.  It is going to be held at the school grounds and if the metservice is to be believed the best day will be Sunday.

We are going to organise a few activities and the kids can use the school playground as well.

We are to bring a plate for a shared afternoon tea, our own drinks and a deck chair.

The PTA are also hoping to have a sausage sizzle as well.

If the weather is changeable then cancellation notification will be posted on the schools website

A notice will be sent home during this week with further details.

Hope you are having a great weekend.

See you next week at school