Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Safe and Sound Talk - Nigel Latta

David and I were lucky enough to get hold of some free tickets to Nigel Latta's Safe and Sound talk that was held at the Riccarton High School auditorium last evening.

It was insightful and he also confirmed that the way in which we have approached our children and their differing reactions to the earthquakes is normal.  He also offered other excellent advice coupled with the right amount of humour.  His talk also shed light on some of the behaviours we have been experiencing that we didn't realise related back to the earthquakes, therefore giving us a better understanding of what our kids are going through.

I have copied a link from Nigel Latta's website that will take you directly to information summarised from his Safe and Sound talk.

I hope that you read something beneficial from this link.  The talk for us as parents was worth its weight in gold.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Mothers Day Stall Cancelled

Hello everyone

Unfortunately the Mothers Day Stall has had to be cancelled due to insufficient donations but, the PTA are holding a Mothers Day Raffle with the donations that have been made.

Tickets are $2 each and will be on sale from Wednesday 4th May after school and the raffle will be drawn on Friday at assembly.